apt-get install libc6-dev apt-get install libc6-dev apt-get install gcc apt-get install make autoconf automake libtool flex bison gdb apt-get install libtag1-dev apt-get install uuid-dev apt-get install g++ wget http://wwwmaster.postgresql.org/redir/198/h/source/v8.4.7/postgresql-8.4.7.tar.gz tar zxf postgresql-8.4.7.tar.gz cd postgresql-8.4.7 ./configure --without-readline --without-zlib make install /usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql --version wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/bacula/files/bacula/5.0.1/bacula-5.0.1.tar.gz/download tar zxf bacula-5.0.1.tar.gz cd bacula-5.0.1 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/bacula --with-postgresql=/usr/local/pgsql/ --build=sparc-linux && make install /usr/local/bacula/sbin/bacula-sd --help tar zcf bacula-5.0.1-sparc.tgz /usr/local/bacula/ tar zcf postgresql-8.4.7-sparc.tgz /usr/local/pgsql/
Then I copied both of these tarballs of binaries over to a production ReadyNAS. It already had the bacula add-on installed, so I left that in place (so I could re-use the init script and config) and disabled it from running via Frontview. I changed to / and unpacked the tarballs, then tried manually running bacula-sd with the existing config. It worked!!!!
The big test was to then try a restore, since that was the bit I was trying to get working. I decided to try restoring a subset of a previous backup to a remote server. It worked. Flawlessly. I then proceeded outside and did a victory lap of my yard.
As a clean-up: I copied my original bacula-sd.conf to /etc/bacula, and modified the add-on-installed init script to run /usr/local/bacula/sbin/baculs-sd instead of /opt/rfw/sbin/bacula. I added exit 0 near the top of the installed bacula-dir and bacula-fd init scripts, just in case.
I also used update-rc.d to get the bacula-sd init script to start at boot, though... it didn't. Still puzzling over that one, but eh, I'll get there.
One minor nit: when you use the init script to stop bacula, it reports an error:
rm-nas-1:~# /etc/init.d/bacula-sd stop Stopping Bacula Storage Daemon: start-stop-daemon: warning: failed to kill 7948: No such process start-stop-daemon: warning: failed to kill 7946: No such process bacula-sd
I think this is because killing one of the three running bacula-sd processes (old-school: uses multiple processes rather than threads, it would seem) causes the others to exit, and they're gone before the kill process can zap their process IDs. Not a problem, just caused me a few minutes' puzzlement.